恐怖组织terrorist organizations/terror groups
悖离了原教义have strayed from the fundamentals of the faith
捉拿拉登capture bin Laden
追捕恐怖份子/恐怖分子are hunting for the terrorists
国家安全national security
堵截恐怖份子财路interdict financing of terrorist organisation
执行反恐战争prosecuting the war on terror
被指由ETIM进行的恐怖袭击活动some of the terror strikes ascribed to ETIM
被乘客和机组人员制服was overpowered by passengers and crew
被灌输战术和宗教狂热思想are steeped in battle tactics and religious fanaticism
逝要结束恐怖主义pledge an end to terrorism
透过手提电话的文字讯息收到死亡恐吓received a death threat via a mobile phone text message
It's a horrible scene. Some people have had their heads blown off.
散布虚假消息称有恐怖袭击raising hoax alarms of terrorist attacks
Mr Putin declared tomorrow and Tuesday as days of national mourning.
发动圣战launch a jihad
进行反恐战争fighting the war on terrorism
开始重过正常生活were beginning to return to their normal routines
开始还火began returning fire
塔利班领袖奥马尔Mullah Mohammed Omar
The IRA has stopped the bombings but has not laid down its arms or dispensed with its violent ways.
捣毁/推翻塔利班政权destroy the Taleban
会被当作示弱would rightly be seen as a sign of weekness
温和派的回教徒nonradical Muslims
温和派的阿拉伯人temperate Arabs
资助恐怖主义的国家sponsors of terrorism
对抗恐怖主义fight terrorism
窝藏恐布分子harbouring terrorists
管有煽动性刊物possession of seditious publications
誓要成为巴勒斯坦的烈士vowed to become a martyr for the Palestinian cause
激进分子的喉舌the mouthpiece of radical extremists
击溃拉登和其网络routing bin Laden and his network
亵渎回教圣地defile the Muslim holy land
避免九一一事件重演avoid a repeat of the September 11 attacks
Gunfire could still be heard sporadically.
镇压全球恐怖分子,以加强美国和盟国的安全enhance the security of the U.S. and its allies by cracking down on global terrorists
谴责杀害人质的行为condemn the hostage murders
(招募时)规定身高和体重要求stipulate weight and height limits
(误以为)爱滋病可以透过和患者共享同一泳池、和患者握手及和患者共同进餐而传染could contract Aids by swimming in the same pool as a sufferer, shaking his or her hand or sharing a meal
一九六四年《民权法案》Civil Rights Act of 1964
Rights advocate Anna Wu Hung-yuk vowed yesterday to make the Equal Opportunities Commission a more active player in the fight against discrimination.
女性运动women's movement
不知道爱滋病不会透过日常接触传染were unaware that Aids could not be transmitted through normal daily contact with sufferers
Many gays in China shy away from revealing their sexual preference for fear of discrimination.
反对同性恋歧视fight discrimination against homosexuals
包容不同意见tolerate diversity and dissent
只有男丁拥有土地继承权restricting land-succession rights to male heirs
失去安全感lost their sense of security
Two years ago, the Equal Opportunities Commission called on the Government to end discrimination against female indigenous villagers.
平等机会雇主an equal-opportunities employer
平权措施affirmative action
打击性别歧视行为stop sex discrimination
立法反歧视enact anti-discrimination laws
Any law that discriminates against gays could be ripe for reversal.
因为国籍而不被雇用had been refused a job due to their nationality
在街上被警察歧视were discriminated against by police on the streets
协助女性尽展所长provide support to help women realise their full potential
呼吁市民接纳爱滋病患者promoting acceptance of HIV-Aids sufferers
性别歧视条例the Sex Discrimination Ordinance
承认同性恋的正当性/承认同性恋是合法的recognized the legitimacy of homosexual relations
歧视(爱滋)病人discriminate against someone with such disease
歧视爱滋病带菌者discriminate against HIV carriers
纠正一些人对爱滋病的错误观念altered some people's misconceptions about Aids
非原居民non-indigenous villagers
保安措施security measures
保安设备security devices
There is discrimination in a wide spectrum of fields of employment.
A significant proportion of Aids patients encountered discrimination in Asia.
美国白人white Americans
租住单位时被房东拒绝had been turned away by landlords when trying to rent flats
妇女组织/妇女团体women's organization/women's groups
将会被歧视will be subject to harsh discrimination
推动反性倾向歧视立法push for anti-discrimination legislation based on sexual orientation
被排斥being ostracised
discrimination is prevalent in almost every section of society
提升国内妇女的地位life the status of women in the country
提醒公众注意歧视的不良后果heightening awareness of the harmful effects of discrimination
Discrimination against ethnic minorities could hamper Hong Kong's bid to become a world class city.
The university denies it has any racial preference or discrimination in making its selection of new students.
乡村元老village elders
伤残歧视条例the Disability Discrimination Ordinance
The activists condemned Hong Kong's Roman Catholic Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun over two recently articles published in a church newsletter against same-sex marriages.
聘用伤残人士employing people with disabilities/hiring handicapped people
该广告侮辱女性the advert denigrated women
违反《性别歧视条例》violated the Sex Discrimination Ordinance
鼓励女性解放运动encouraged the emancipation of women
种族歧视racial discrimination
维护妇女权益safeguard the rights and interests of women
激进的乡村代表radical village representatives
1993年开始合谋began their collaboration in 1993
内定赛果to fix the results of the races
反贪污人员/反贪污官员graft fighters/graftbusters/anti-graft agents
以190万元贿赂房屋署职员,以获得政府合约offering $1.9 million in bribes to Housing Department officers to obtain government contracts
以一百万元行贿某人a bride of $1 million was paid to somebody
His gains totalled 41 million yuan , all of which was deposited in overseas banks.
打击贪污fighting corruption
未搜集到足够证据时不应高调拘捕警员should not make high-profile arrests of police before collecting enough evidence
未经许可收受贷款obtaining unauthorised loans
There have been three cases involving 15 police offices between June last year and this February in which no charges have been laid.
吊销牌照suspend the licences
在一月九日就是次丑闻遭廉政公署拘捕was arrested by the ICAC on January 9 over the scandal
收取回佣taking kickbacks
收受下属利益accepted advantages from his subordinates
收受贿款took pay-offs/accept bribes/take bribes
收受贿款和非法政治献金accepting bribes and illegal campaign donations
行贿基金slush fund
Did you consider these ramifications before ordering the raids?
We are not ruling out more arrests.
把大部分补偿金中饱私囊embezzled much of his compensation money
身上约有七万元现金had approximately $70000 on him
The advantages were alleged to have been offered to ensure "that hits by certain of their singers would be given favourable positions on the billboard, and securing various musical awards granted by the broadcasting company".
防止贪污处Corruption Prevention Department
防止贿赂条例Prevention of Bribery Ordinance
于两场赛事中造马manipulating the results of two races
社区关系处Community Relations Department
ICAC officers arrested Sin on suspicion of accepting free sex from prostitutes in exchange for tip-offs about vice raids.
Sin was alleged by the ICAC to have accepted sex in exchange for tip-offs about vice raids.
突击在某地出动swooped on somewhere
挪用公款一千一百七十四亿元人民币117.4billion yuan in government money was misused
挪动兴建堤坝资金一千四百万元人民币去兴建办公大楼diverted 14 million yuan earmarked for building dykes to build offices
Sources said that those arrested from Universal Music HK and the Emperor Group were alleged to have offered advantages, including money, to TVB senior executives.
财产被充公had his property confiscated
国家审计署审计长李金华Auditor-General Li Jinhua
执行处Operations Department
将细查更多赛事more races coming under scrutiny
被扣押in custody
Also believed to have been arrested were Ho Lai-tsuen, assistant controller of TVB's non-drama sub-division, and Chan Ka-lun, who is in charge of TVB's Solid Gold music programme.
被廉署指收取十万元保护费accused by the ICAC of having accepted $100,000 in protection money
贪污commit corruption
贪污丑闻corruption scandals
造马案race-fixing racket
透过中间人收贿款was bribed through a middleman
评估贪污程度gauge the level of corruption activities
廉署拘捕怀疑从事高利贷的has been arrested by the ICAC on suspicion of loansharking
The ICAC noted there had not been any worsening of corruption among police.
The entertainment industry yesterday was rocked by the arrest of mogul Albert Yeung Sau-shing and singer Juno Mak Chun-lung as part of a sweeping ICAC investigation into an alleged bribes-for-awards scam.
廉署执行处首长李铭泽ICAC Director of Operations Daniel Li Ming-chak
Officers in the force are deeply concerned about the fact that despite serious allegations having been made, no corresponding criminal prosecutions have been instituted to date.
Anti-corruption investigators allege a principal fireman at Ma On Shan station helped his subordinates get favourable appraisals in return for benefits including a second hand car, a mobile phone and a gold bracelet.
Xinhua said "all illegal deposits" except the money taken by Cheung had been recovered.
该定名为「xx」的行动The operation, codenamed "xx", ……
贿款bribe (n)
贿赂bribery (u)/bribe (vt); bribe sb into doing sth/bribe sb to do sth/bride sb with sth/We tried persuasion, bribery and threats, but the guard still wouldn't let us pass.
赂贿骑师,制造赛果paid riders to rig results
彻查这类收取回佣的指控conduct a thorough inquiry into the kickback allegations
维护运动公正廉洁to keep the sport clean
与其它人合谋做某事comprise with others for something/to do something
舞弊及非法行为条例Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinance
远华集团Yuan Hua Group
The investigation is still ticking over.
赌波集团bookmaker/soccer betting syndicate
台底交易under-the-table deals
怀疑同党an alleged accomplice
继续严打贪污continuing the anti-corruption drive
人口贩子human traffickers
人蛇集团people-smuggling syndicate
大陆非法入境者mainland illegal immigrant
大陆偷渡客mainland stowaways
只懂说福建话speak only Fujian dialect
企图安排至少五十名内地人士经香港偷渡至海外tried to smuggle at least 50 mainlanders overseas via Hong Kong
The bureau is investigating if the syndicate was linked with previous cases.
We were kicked out into the water, one by one.
身怀猎枪偷渡来港sneak into the SAR with a shotgun
Victims often do not come forward for fear of retribution or deportation back to China.
非法劳工illegal workers
前白石羁留中心the defunct Whitehead detention centre